Jim Purpura (Director of Weather Forecasting & International Operations) hosted the April 11 General Meeting of the Tech Club. Jim’s Meeting Main Topic was “Tornado Climatology of Denton County | Developing a Personal Safety Plan. Jim offered an In-depth Presentation on all aspects on to Tornado Weather Conditions including “Where is the Best Safe Room in my Home”…”What Protective Gear Should I be Taking into my Safe Room”…”Why a Weather Radio is Important to Own”… ”What are the most important Weather Alert Apps for my Home Computing and / or Mobile Device” and “Who is Ultimately Responsible for Preparing for Severe Weather and When to Move into the Safe Room”
There was much open dialog and interactive discussion during the meeting including questions regarding the following “How Likely is Robson Ranch to have a Tornado versus Dallas and Fort Worth”…”Who Can Advise me of the Best Location for my Safe Room”…”How Effective would a Personal Weather Station be in Forecasting Tornado Activity” and ”Who and Under What Conditions Trigger the Severe Weather Alert Siren at Robson Ranch”. Below are some photos taken at the meeting.